Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 Ways to Change the World

Taylor, Tanis. 31 ways to change the world: 
we are what we doSomerville, Mass.: 
Candlewick Press, 2010.

By We Are What We Do

Copyright:  2010

Publisher:  Candlewick Press

Reading Level:
  • Lexile:  610L
  • Grade level:  3-5

Genre:  Nonfiction

Description:  Making a difference, Global impact, Conservation, Recycling, Consequences

Suggested Delivery:  Read-aloud

Summary:  This book teaches children the importance of making a difference in the world, and the idea that everyone can do just the smallest things to make this world a better place.  Taking positive action includes conserving energy, recycling, helping others, and helping the environment.

Electronic Resources:   
  • We Are What We Do website:  based on a non-profit organization or "behavior change company" that creates ways for everyone in the world to do small things and together produce big changes.

Key Vocabulary: solicitations, mission, junk mail, environmental, seedlings, 

Teaching suggestions:

  • Use this book on Earth Day, or when discussing the environment.
  • Use this book to encourage positive behavior and helping others.
  • Stress the importance of doing something little everyday and that even children like them can help make an impact in the world.

Comprehension Strategies:
  • Before Reading:
    • Have the students imagine a world free from waste, ridicule, sadness, etc.  Explain that, although the world will never be a perfect place, there are many important steps individuals can take in improving the lives we live.
    • Challenge the students to carry out any of the actions they hear about in the book that sound interesting to them and provide them with a journal to write them in. 

  • During Reading:  
    • Have the students make a list of things they could do as they are listening to the book.

  • After Reading:  
    • Students will be given a chance to perform these activities, acts of kindness, etc. at school, at home, or in their communities.  They will write about the outcomes in their journals.  They will also share their experiences with their classmates.
    • Have students brainstorm additional ways they could help change the world that they did not read about.

Writing Activity:

Have the students write persuasive letters to members of their school urging everyone to take action and do small things everyday to help better the school and the world.  They will give specific examples from the book to support their letters and explain how these actions could have incredible impacts if everyone took part.  These letters will be displayed in the hallway for classmates and faculty members to read.

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